There are no annual fees.
- Producer members (users): 50 partnership shares @ $10/share (this is reimbursable in the event of membership cancellation)
- Individual producer member: (individual users who are in the category above and are producers or suppliers of tourist products and services but whose yearly income is under $30,000): 25 partnership shares @ $10/share;
- Worker member: 50 partnership shares @ 10$/share (this is reimbursable in the event of membership cancellation)
- Associative user member: (associations, tourism development corporations that sell neither product nor services, radio stations, etc…) 25 partnership shares @ $10/share
- Corporate support members: 150 partnership shares @ $10 (municipalities, band councils, MRC, etc…)
- Individual support members: 2 partnership shares @ $10/share.
The mission and objectives of Voyages CoSte (Cooperative for a sustainable tourism environment) are described on the membership form and on this website :